Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Make-Up Brush 101

Select the right brush for the task at hand.
Use a natural bristle hair brush for the application of powdery makeup products, such as powder, blush and eyeshadow.
Use a synthetic bristle brush for wet makeup application, such as creams, lipstick and foundation.
Avoid brushes with blunt edges. Brushes with soft, dome-shaped heads work the best for application of makeup.
Purchase a concealer brush. This is a trick of the trade because you are able to use it to ensure accurate application of the makeup product precisely where you want it applied.
Test for durability before you buy. Natural bristle brushes will easily lose the bristles with use. You can try to avoid this by ensuring that when you purchase the brush, it is strong to begin with. This means taking the tug test - pull gently on the brush in the store. If there is any evidence of hairs coming out, try a different brand.
Take good care of your makeup brushes. Keep them clean and dust-free. Store away from bathroom products and preferably in dust-proof locations such as a container or a bathroom cabinet. Gently wipe down makeup build-up regularly from your makeup brushes. You can use water for synthetic brushes or simply wipe with a tissue for natural bristle brushes.

-Sweet Spa

Monday, March 30, 2009

DIY Sugar Scrub

Need a recipe for sugar scrub...You have come to the right place.....

Here’s what you need:
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup raw oatmeal
1 cup olive oil

Mix all the ingredients together and then apply on dry skin, using your hands. You want to perform slow circles—this treatment is to be enjoyed and not rushed. (The key is standing over a plastic bag or towel to catch the remains.) After scrubbing gently all over, step into the shower and rinse off. Your skin will be like butter.” Use a mild soap to follow........Look out for more DIY tips....

Saturday, March 28, 2009

DIY Summer Manicure: Skip the salon and go natural–make your nails look beautiful with these non-toxic tips.

• Remove old polish with acetone-free remover that contains protein to strengthen nails and lanolin to moisturize.

• Wash and dry hands thoroughly.

• Scrub dirty nails with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a paste made of 1 tablespoon baking soda and a few drops of water.

• Shape with a file.

• Brush cuticles with vitamin-E-rich oil, which helps heal and condition, and let sit for two minutes. With your finger, gently rub in oil, pushing cuticles back and exfoliating dead skin. Wash hands.

• Battle winter dryness by massaging 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil into hands. Dab off the excess with a clean towel.

• Gently buff nails with a three-sided buffer. To avoid stripping away too many layers, use the gray side once a month, the pink side once a week and the white side as needed to add shine.

• If desired, apply a translucent polish that doesn’t contain toxins.


-Sweet Spa

Friday, March 27, 2009

Sweet Tip #1

When looking for a Dayspa and/or Nail Salon, look for one that does not operate using jet tubs as part of the pedicure pampering process. They tend to harbor bacteria which is deeply rooted in the pipes that cannot be thoroughly cleansed. Find a place with easy-to-clean basins, where bacteria cannot hide.

Keep an eye out for Sweet Spa Tips........

Sweet Spa

Your Old Enough For Your Wants Not To Hurt You!!!!

If your like me you always get to a point in the beginning of the spring season where you create a mental or physical wish list of clothes, shoes and accessories that you just know are meant for you. When I would ask for things when i was little one of my uncles would always say to me "Your old enough for your wants not to hurt you". Now that I'm older I still don't get it, (you thought I was going to say I totally understand his point). Here are some of the items on my mental want list:

-Sweet Spa

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Something Extra!!!! So Cute

This beautiful find comes way of another great Blog. Grace Violet........Support Blogs.....

Royal Blue Spring Cotton Dress

They say every girl needs a black dress, well here is the exception to the rule.......

This Skirt is very casual, it can be worn as a day piece and alternate to the night,with the right shoes.....

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Where It All Began.....

Welcome to all and thank you for coming to experience All Things Sweet!!! I am new to the blogging world and ready for all that it means to be a newbie....All Things Sweet begins with the beautiful little girl you see above. She came into this world with her eyes open and completely fearless. To think of it, she has not changed. She is a spoonful of sugar. She has a way of making all things delightful. She has made the last 2 years, 14 days, 12 hours and 9 minutes of my life the Sweetest days ever.....She was my motivation for starting my Dayspa business and online beauty product line. I will use this as an outlet to share the wonders of taking time for yourself and delighting in all things Sweet Spa, with plenty of other goodies to match....Come experience All Things Sweet...

-Sweet Spa